27. април 2017.

The Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy in Arabic, Greek & English

извор: kourostatis

This is a spellbinder. The sound quality is great. The phrasing is done well, but the reverence is what really sends this one over the top. If you love Orthodox chants then this one is for you. Chanted in Arabic, Greek and English.
Album: Thine Own of Thine Own, a Holy Offering: The Divine Liturgy in Byzantine Chant
Chanters: Samer Kannab-Aida, George Mansour, Elias Bitar, Rana Nassour-Derbaly.


01. The Great Doxology 12:09
02. The Great Litany 4:34
03. First Antiphon 0:41
04. Little Litany, Second Antiphon, Only Begotten Son 3:30
05. Little Litany, Third Antiphon, Little Entrance 3:34
06. Troparion to St. George 0:47
07. Troparion to the Theotokos 0:59
08. To Thee the Champion Leader 1:34
09. The Trisagion 6:30
10. The Cherubic Hymn 9:23
11. Litany, Creed, Anaphora 12:23
12. It Is Truly Meet 2:41
13. The Angel Cried 3:15
14. All Creation Rejoices 3:06
15. Among the First 3:44
16. Receive Me Today 1:53

Јутро у Јерусалиму, 2016.
фото: Симеон Милиновић

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