8. септембар 2017.

Тебе поем / We Praise Thee

Тебе поем
Музыка: Стеван Мокраняц
Государственная академическая капелла Санкт-Петербурга
Возглашения: Владимир Миллер
Художественный руководитель Капеллы Владислав Чернушенко 

We praise Thee
Music by S. Mokranjac
Sung here by the State Academic Chapel of St Petersburg
Exclamation: Vladimir Miller
Artistic director Vladislav Tchernushenko

This video is dedicated to Natasha.

фотография - Преображенский собор в Сормове, в Нижнем Новгороде

Photographs of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Sormovo,  Nizhny Novgorod.
This three-alter Cathedral was built in the Russo-Byzantine style by the architect P. Malinowski between 1900-1905. In 1927 the Cathedral was closed and the belfry was destroyed. Originally, the building was intended to be blown up, fortunately this was not enforced. Instead the building was used as a warehouse. In 1990 the Cathedral was returned to the Orthodox Church. Between 2013 and 2014 the central part of the Cathedral was painted with frescos  - the sacrament of the Eucharist, carrying the cross, crucifix cross, the removal of the cross, the transfiguration, the sacrifice of Abraham, the Annunciation, St. John Damascene, St. Gregory the Theologian………

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