Фреске манастира Грачанице, које су за ктитора манастира Св. Краља Милутина сликали чувени солунски мајстори Михајло и Евтихије, завршене су 1321. године и представљају један од врхунаца нашег средњовековног византијско-српског сликарства. Након управо завршене конзервације доступне су посетиоцима манастира у својој пуној лепоти.
Gračanica Monastery frescoes which were painted for the monastery founder Serbian king St. Milutin by Michael and Eutiches, the famous fresco-painters from Thessaloniki, were completed by 1321 and represent one of the pinnacles of our Byzantine-Serbian medieval fresco painting. After the recently finished conservation works the frescoes can be seen by the visitors to the Monastery in their full beauty.
Gračanica Monastery frescoes which were painted for the monastery founder Serbian king St. Milutin by Michael and Eutiches, the famous fresco-painters from Thessaloniki, were completed by 1321 and represent one of the pinnacles of our Byzantine-Serbian medieval fresco painting. After the recently finished conservation works the frescoes can be seen by the visitors to the Monastery in their full beauty.
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