
2. јун 2013.

СВЕТИ НИКОЛАЈ СРПСКИ, ЉУДИ ЛИКУЈТЕ Holy Bishop Nikolaj, Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Манастир Вазнесење

музика, аранжман: Љуба Нинковић, Љиљана Поповић

People rejoice, and nations hear:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Stars dance, mountains chant:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Forests rustle, winds whistle:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Seas boom, and beasts roar:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Bees swarm, and birds sing:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Angels halt, and triple the song:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

The heaven comes down, to elevate earth:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Bells peal, let everyone know:
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Glory to You, O Lord Almighty,
Christ is risen, joy we are given!

Music, arrangement: Ljuba Ninković, Ljiljana Popović

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